Distill prizes are expected to be $10,000 USD.
The Distill Prize has a $125,000 USD initial endowment, funded by Chris Olah, Greg Brockman, Jeff Dean, DeepMind, and the Open Philanthropy Project. Logistics for the prize are handled by the Open Philanthropy Project.
Beginning in 2018, Distill prizes will be given annually for work done before January 1 of that year. The number given each year depends on the amount of outstanding work done. We aim to come to decisions by the end of February.
If you’d like to make sure the prize committee is aware of someone’s work, you can explicitly nominate them for the Distill Prize. To do this, send an email to prize@distill.pub. Nominations should be sent prior to Jan 1 to be considered for that year. Please include links to relevant work. People cannot nominate themselves.
Being awarded a Distill Prize and being published in the Distill Journal are completely independent. The Distill Prize has no intrinsic preference for work published in its cousin journal.
The Distill Prize is legally separate from the Distill Journal, and is not funded or awarded by the Distill Journal.