Two Examples of Useful, Non-Robust Features



Gabriel Goh



Aug. 6, 2019



This article is part of a discussion of the Ilyas et al. paper “Adversarial examples are not bugs, they are features”. You can learn more in the main discussion article .

Other Comments Comment by Ilyas et al.

Ilyas et al. define a feature as a function ff that takes xx from the data distribution (x,y)D(x,y) \sim \mathcal{D} into a real number, restricted to have mean zero and unit variance. A feature is said to be useful if it has high correlation with the label. But in the presence of an adversary Ilyas et al. argues the metric that truly matters is a feature’s robust usefulness,

E[infδϵyf(x+δ)], \mathbf{E}\left[\inf_{\|\delta\|\leq\epsilon}yf(x+\delta)\right],

its correlation with the label while under attack. Ilyas et al. suggests that in addition to the pedestrian, robust features we know and love (such as the color of the sky), our models may also be taking advantage of useful, non-robust features, some of which may even lie beyond the threshold of human intuition. This begs the question: what might such non-robust features look like?

Non-Robust Features in Linear Models

Our search is simplified when we realize the following: non-robust features are not unique to the complex, nonlinear models encountered in deep learning. As Ilyas et al observe, they arise even in the humblest of models — the linear one. Thus, we restrict our attention to linear features of the form:

f(x)=aTxaΣwhereΣ=E[xxT]andE[x]=0.f(x) = \frac{a^Tx}{\|a\|_\Sigma}\qquad \text{where} \qquad \Sigma = \mathbf{E}[xx^T] \quad \text{and} \quad \mathbf{E}[x] = 0.

The robust usefulness of a linear feature admits an elegant decomposition This E[infδϵyf(x+δ)]=E[yf(x)+infδϵyf(δ)]=E[yf(x)+infδϵyaTδaΣ]=E[yf(x)+infδϵaTδaΣ]=E[yf(x)]ϵaaΣ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{E}\left[\inf_{\|\delta\|\leq\epsilon}yf(x+\delta)\right] & =\mathbf{E}\left[yf(x)+\inf_{\|\delta\|\leq\epsilon}yf(\delta)\right]\\ & =\mathbf{E}\left[yf(x)+\inf_{\|\delta\|\leq\epsilon}y\frac{a^{T}\delta}{\|a\|_{\Sigma}}\right]\\ & =\mathbf{E}\left[yf(x)+\frac{\inf_{\|\delta\|\leq\epsilon}a^{T}\delta}{\|a\|_{\Sigma}}\right]=\mathop{\mathbf{E}[yf(x)]}-\epsilon\frac{\|a\|_{*}}{\|a\|_{\Sigma}} \end{aligned} into two terms:

E[infδϵyf(x+δ)] \mathbf{E}\left[\inf_{\|\delta\|\leq\epsilon}yf(x+\delta)\right]
The robust usefulness of a feature
the correlation of the feature with the label
the feature’s non-robustness

In the above equation \|\cdot\|_* deontes the dual norm of \|\cdot\|. This decomposition gives us an instrument for visualizing any set of linear features aia_i in a two dimensional plot.

Plotted below is the binary classification task of separating truck and frog in CIFAR-10 on the set of features aia_i corresponding to the ithi^{th} singular vector of the data.

Subject to an L_2 adversery, observe that high frequency features are both less useful and less robust.

Pareto frontier of points in the non-robustness and usefulness space.

\log \sum_i \!y_if(x_i)

Log usefulness. Measured by the feature's empirical correlation with the positive label.

\log \left( \frac{\|a_i\|_\Sigma}{\|a_i\|} \right) = \log(\lambda_i)
Feature’s log robustness. When a_i's are the i^{th} eigenvalues of \Sigma , the robustness reduces to the i^{th} singular value of \lambda_i

The elusive non-robust useful features, however, seem conspicuously absent in the above plot. Fortunately, we can construct such features by strategically combining elements of this basis.

We demonstrate two constructions:


The work of Tsipras et al suggests a collection of non-robust and non-useful features, if sufficiently uncorrelated, can be ensembled into a single useful, non-robust useful feature f.

We ensemble all features below a certain threshold of robustness.

This process is illustrated above numerically. We choose a set of non-robust features by excluding all features above a threshold, and naively ensembling them according to:

\sum_i \text{sign}(\mathbf{E}[y_{i}a_{i}^{T}x])a_{i}^{T}

and normalizing. This construction is closest in spirit to the author's idea of what a non-robust feature looks like.


But now consider now an alternative construction. If we interpolate a robust useful feature 1and a non-robust useless feature 2, we obtain, surprisingly, a non-robust feature f too.


We illustrate this by interpolating between two features, one robust and one non-robust

(1-\alpha) \cdot a_{\text{non-robust}} + \alpha \cdot a_{\text{robust}},

and normalizing. This construction reveals a flaw of using the definition of robust usefulness discussed above — non-robust, useful features can arise from such cross contamination rather than something more fundamental.

It is surprising, thus, that the experiments of Madry et al. (with deterministic perturbations) do distinguish between the non-robust useful features generated from ensembles and containments. A succinct definition of a robust feature that peels these two worlds apart is yet to exist, and remains an open problem for the machine learning community.

To cite Ilyas et al.’s response, please cite their collection of responses.

Response Summary: The construction of explicit non-robust features is very interesting and makes progress towards the challenge of visualizing some of the useful non-robust features detected by our experiments. We also agree that non-robust features arising as “distractors” is indeed not precluded by our theoretical framework, even if it is precluded by our experiments. This simple theoretical framework sufficed for reasoning about and predicting the outcomes of our experiments We also presented a theoretical setting where we can analyze things fully rigorously in Section 4 of our paper.. However, this comment rightly identifies finding a more comprehensive definition of feature as an important future research direction.

Response: These experiments (visualizing the robustness and usefulness of different linear features) are very interesting! They both further corroborate the existence of useful, non-robust features and make progress towards visualizing what these non-robust features actually look like.

We also appreciate the point made by the provided construction of non-robust features (as defined in our theoretical framework) that are combinations of useful+robust and useless+non-robust features. Our theoretical framework indeed enables such a scenario, even if — as the commenter already notes — our experimental results do not. (In this sense, the experimental results and our main takeaway are actually stronger than our theoretical framework technically captures.) Specifically, in such a scenario, during the construction of the D^det\widehat{\mathcal{D}}_{det} dataset, only the non-robust and useless term of the feature would be flipped. Thus, a classifier trained on such a dataset would associate the predictive robust feature with the wrong label and would thus not generalize on the test set. In contrast, our experiments show that classifiers trained on D^det\widehat{\mathcal{D}}_{det} do generalize.

Overall, our focus while developing our theoretical framework was on enabling us to formally describe and predict the outcomes of our experiments. As the comment points out, putting forth a theoretical framework that captures non-robust features in a very precise way is an important future research direction in itself.

You can find more responses in the main discussion article.


Shan Carter (design overhaul), Preetum (technical discussion), Chris Olah (technical discussion), Ludwig (overall feedback), Ria (feedback) Aditiya (feedback)

Author Contributions

Research: Alex developed …

Writing & Diagrams: The text was initially drafted by…


  1. This E[infδϵyf(x+δ)]=E[yf(x)+infδϵyf(δ)]=E[yf(x)+infδϵyaTδaΣ]=E[yf(x)+infδϵaTδaΣ]=E[yf(x)]ϵaaΣ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{E}\left[\inf_{\|\delta\|\leq\epsilon}yf(x+\delta)\right] & =\mathbf{E}\left[yf(x)+\inf_{\|\delta\|\leq\epsilon}yf(\delta)\right]\\ & =\mathbf{E}\left[yf(x)+\inf_{\|\delta\|\leq\epsilon}y\frac{a^{T}\delta}{\|a\|_{\Sigma}}\right]\\ & =\mathbf{E}\left[yf(x)+\frac{\inf_{\|\delta\|\leq\epsilon}a^{T}\delta}{\|a\|_{\Sigma}}\right]=\mathop{\mathbf{E}[yf(x)]}-\epsilon\frac{\|a\|_{*}}{\|a\|_{\Sigma}} \end{aligned} [↩]
  2. We also presented a theoretical setting where we can analyze things fully rigorously in Section 4 of our paper.[↩]


  1. Adversarial examples are not bugs, they are features
    Ilyas, A., Santurkar, S., Tsipras, D., Engstrom, L., Tran, B. and Madry, A., 2019. arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.02175.

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For attribution in academic contexts, please cite this work as

Goh, "A Discussion of 'Adversarial Examples Are Not Bugs, They Are Features': Two Examples of Useful, Non-Robust Features", Distill, 2019.

BibTeX citation

  author = {Goh, Gabriel},
  title = {A Discussion of 'Adversarial Examples Are Not Bugs, They Are Features': Two Examples of Useful, Non-Robust Features},
  journal = {Distill},
  year = {2019},
  note = {},
  doi = {10.23915/distill.00019.3}